We can generate engagement for you. The quality of that engagement depends somewhat on your engagement…

Let’s clarify that.

When it comes to your social media marketing there are essentially two objectives that we’re trying to hit for you; visibility and engagement.

Regular posting in places where your customers (both existing and prospective) gather makes you more visible. It keeps you front of mind when the people you’re connected to, and the people they’re connected to, are looking for the types of products and services you offer. Staying visible is kind of the easy bit, regular posts that catch the eye and remind people of what you do can get a lot of traction and convert to sales, that is, after all, the aim!

Engagement though is where the magic happens…

Social media, unlike any other platform for marketing, offers unique opportunity for your brand to create a persona and engage in a two-way conversation with customers. It can make your brand more than just a service provider. You can develop your brand’s personality and engage your audience on a level beyond the transactional. You can become a trusted source of information or even entertainment all of which can help you increase sales in an organic way. This is something that traditional advertising and marketing struggle to achieve, even with concerted and often very costly campaigns.

So the question is, what kind of content generates the most engagement? There are of course variables dependent on your service, industry, product, audience, etc, but we can say with a high degree of confidence, that the key to engagement is authenticity.

The social media boffins over at Hootsuite put it best…

Your Social Media audience is not looking for a sales pitch, and they’re certainly not going to engage with one. They want to engage with content that will make them smile, make them think, or improve their lives in some way.

Be relatable and human: Whether it’s sharing some behind-the-scenes content, presenting some honest and vulnerable emotions, standing up for your values, or sharing a funny meme that acknowledges a relatable experience, audiences are hungry for authenticity
Hootsuite Blog

At Think Socials our aim when posting on your behalf is to create relatable and authentic posts that generate engagement. To do this well takes input.

When you sign up for our services you can take as read that the visibility side of social media will always be covered, and maybe, that’s all you’re after, in which case, sit back and relax and we’ll take care of everything. But engagement, getting the absolute most out of your subscription, will always be more effective with your input. 

We can’t be in your business every day so we’re reliant on you telling us about stuff that’s happening, sharing news, sending us pictures, or even video. We’ll always do the legwork to make pictures and media pop and write great copy. We can even provide you with a cheat sheet of subjects that will work well for posts. It needn’t take much more than 10 minutes a week to update us on what’s happening with you. we can do it over the phone or by email, whatever works, we’ll even send you a weekly reminder to check in.

When it comes to your social media presence, we can take care of everything and we can certainly keep your company or organisation visible across all the channels that count, but to truly capitalise on a Think Socials subscription, check in with us regularly and let us know what’s happening.

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